Tag: Chinese

Film tip: 书记 – The Transition Period (2010)

A Chinese county level official in his prime. The Mainland Chinese documentary “书记” introduces Guo Yongchang, secretary of the Gushi County Party Committee, who “rules” over 1.6 million people in Southern Henan. The film covers the three months before secretary Guo leaves his post and ends up in prison.

Pleco flashcards: yes or no?

The Pleco Chinese dictionary is a crucial app for Chinese learners. What about the Pleco flashcards add-on though, is it worth spending 10 bucks? How essential is the ‘dictionary-flashcards combination’ to get to the next level(s)?

5 things we tell ourselves that keep us from studying Chinese

A wise man once said that it’s good fun for humans to buy a hammer and knock down the walls of your comfort zone.

“How to learn any language in six months”

Can you learn to fly a Boeing 747 in six months? Some say you can! How about languages though?

How long does it take to get HSK 6?

Five test candidates and the time they needed to prepare for HSK 6.

How much Mandarin can you listen to in one month?

For one month I digitally teamed up with like-minded spirits for a Mandarin learning challenge. This is what I learned.

What does your HSK level really tell about your Mandarin skills?

The HSK merry-go-round or why you shouldn’t be focused on HSK results only.

China podcasts

19 China podcasts to better understand 中国

Tired of listening to endless corona-updates and Covid-discussions? Here’s some China-focused listening material for you sorted by topic.

大张伟 – 葫芦娃 (2018)

Wowkie Zhang – Calabash brothers (2018) 葫芦娃 葫芦娃一根藤上七个瓜风吹雨打都不怕啦啦啦啦葫芦娃 葫芦娃一根藤上七个瓜风吹雨打都不怕啦啦啦啦叮当当咚咚当当 葫芦娃叮当当咚咚当当 本领大葫芦娃 葫芦娃 本领大 妖精 放了我爷爷!