Category: Movies

The Chinese cultural revolution – in 10 movie classics

In this blog I recommend 10 must-see films about (or made during) the Chinese cultural revolution, complete with indication of subtitles and difficulty level.

10 great movies about rural China

Rural China is the raw reality most Chinese people come from. Here are 10 film recommendations about the Chinese countryside, including some real classics.

Film tip: 书记 – The Transition Period (2010)

A Chinese county level official in his prime. The Mainland Chinese documentary “书记” introduces Guo Yongchang, secretary of the Gushi County Party Committee, who “rules” over 1.6 million people in Southern Henan. The film covers the three months before secretary Guo leaves his post and ends up in prison.

Understanding China and Mandarin with 7 Chinese film classics

These mostly older Mainland Chinese movies I’ve come to like and recommend to anyone interested in China.

人生第一次 – The Firsts in Life

“人生第一次” or “The Firsts in Life” is a very popular documentary series in China. Here’s why I think it’s a good resource for learning Mandarin – even though it has one problem.

Chinese dreams (2019): must-watch China doc

Many western China doc’s are deeply rooted in prejudice and choose the moral high ground. Hardly surprising: they don’t bring any new insights. There are exceptions though…

jamie bilbow cooking with granny

New show: Granny knows best 奶奶最懂得 (2019, TV series)

More about cooking! In his new show Jamie Bilbow explores rural China to learn from the true kitchen heroes – Chinese grandmothers. How did the British moderator become so fluent in Mandarin?! Three reasons why you should watch the show.

Still unbeaten: Journey to the West (1986, TV series)

Journey to the West is a key to understanding China. There is just no way around it. The TV-adaption from 1986 remains a must-see classic till this day.

Love defense wars: 爱情保卫战

She broke his fishing rod and she liked it! Yes, I sometimes watch bad Chinese television and insult my intellect. You should too! You wanna know why?