Tag: learning Chinese

Knowing your learning style to master Chinese

You’re starting to learn Chinese? While smart learners think about their learning plan, very few ever consider their preferred learning style. Why not discover yours in the next 5 minutes?

Film tip: 书记 – The Transition Period (2010)

A Chinese county level official in his prime. The Mainland Chinese documentary “书记” introduces Guo Yongchang, secretary of the Gushi County Party Committee, who “rules” over 1.6 million people in Southern Henan. The film covers the three months before secretary Guo leaves his post and ends up in prison.

5 things we tell ourselves that keep us from studying Chinese

A wise man once said that it’s good fun for humans to buy a hammer and knock down the walls of your comfort zone.

5 apps that help you to understand and write Chinese characters

Learning Chinese characters with high-quality apps that actually help? They are rare, but do exist.

崔健 – 一无所有 (1986)

一无所有” (yī wú suǒ yǒu) by 崔健 is considered China’s first rock song. Here’s a breakdown of the lyrics with pinyin and English translations.

Why you shouldn’t use Douyin (“the Chinese TikTok”) to improve your Mandarin

Can you use the Chinese version of TikTok as a tool for learning Mandarin? You cannot. Here’s why.

Chinese dreams (2019): must-watch China doc

Many western China doc’s are deeply rooted in prejudice and choose the moral high ground. Hardly surprising: they don’t bring any new insights. There are exceptions though…

China podcasts

19 China podcasts to better understand 中国

Tired of listening to endless corona-updates and Covid-discussions? Here’s some China-focused listening material for you sorted by topic.

Learning Mandarin the low-budget way

What can you do if you want to learn Mandarin but don’t want to spend loads of money to attend Chinese courses or visit China for an extensive period? Learn Chinese low budget style. Here’s how!

Vocabulary trainer app: Daily Chinese

It’s no secret that there’s a whole monkey jungle of apps for Chinese out there. Is this new vocabulary tool Daily Chinese any good? My answer: Yes, it is. Check out why!

Ideology in Chinese textbooks

Chinese learning materials have improved a lot over the last 50 years, however more often than not…

大张伟 – 葫芦娃 (2018)

This gem is a classic Chinese children’s song from the 1986 animated series 葫芦兄弟 (Húlu Xiōngdì, Calabash Brothers), performed by Wowkie Zhang in the version linked below. Here’s a breakdown of the lyrics with English translations, pinyin and more.

赵传 – 我是一只小小鸟 (1990)

我是一只小小鸟 is a classic song from the 90’s by 赵传 (Zhao Chuan that is still popular today. Here’s the song with Chinese lyrics, English translation, pinyin and more background information.

Learning Chinese? 12 BLOGS you should know about

Chinese learning blogs are like hidden provision camps in the desert. If they are not pointed out, you are likely to miss them.

花儿乐队 – 果汁分你一半 (2006)

The catchy pop song 果汁分你一半” by the Chinese band 花儿乐队 (Huā’ér Yuèduì) is the kind of tune that gets stuck in your head. In this post, I’ll break down the lyrics for you, provide English translations and pinyin and dive into key vocabulary.

Corona virus: 口罩都卖完了!

In this post, I surf on the wave of fear and add to the panic with virus-related key vocabulary and firsthand footage from Corona-survivors.

宋祖英 – 辣妹子 (1998)

辣妹子 is a popular song by 宋祖英 (Sòng Zǔyīng), blending folk music with modern pop elements. My Chinese teacher introduced me to it (as did others) very early on. Here’s the Chinese lyrics with English translations, pinyin and more.

大壮 – 我们不一样 (2017)

The song 我们不一样 (We Are Not the Same) by 大壮 (Da Zhuang) is a heartfelt ballad about brotherhood, perseverance and the passage of time. Here’s the Chinese lyrics with English translation, pinyin and more.

费翔 – 故乡的云 (1987)

**”故乡的云” (Hometown’s Clouds)** is a famous Chinese song originally performed by **费翔 (Fei Xiang)** in the 1980s. The song expresses deep **思乡 (homesickness)** and the emotions of a **游子 (wanderer)** who has spent years **浪迹天涯 (roaming the world)** but longs to return home. The lyrics are filled with nostalgia, describing how the **故乡的风 (hometown’s wind)** and **故乡的云 (hometown’s clouds)** seem to call him back.

The song became widely popular, especially among overseas Chinese, as it resonated with those living far from home. Its touching melody and heartfelt lyrics make it a classic in Chinese pop music.

王菲 – 紅豆 (1998)

王菲’s 红豆 (Hóng Dòu, meaning Red Beans), released in 1998, is one of her most iconic and beloved songs. It’s a melancholic yet tender ballad. Here are the Chinese lyrics with English translations, pinyin and more.