Tag: strategy
From all the people learning Chinese and reaching a relatively high level of proficiency only a few ever seem to truly master the Chinese tones. By that I mean they speak fully fluent and sound so “native” that it would fool native Chinese speakers. Why is that? Are Chinese tones just too damn hard or is it laziness on our part?
Can you learn to fly a Boeing 747 in six months? Some say you can! How about languages though?
Why the mā-má-mǎ-mà-way people typically think of the four tones is wrong.
Steve Kaufmann is one of the world’s most experienced language learners and a well-known polyglot. What is his best advise on learning Mandarin?
Even though there is no ideal strategy to master Mandarin and become a Chinese dragon, some ways or better than others. And SOME should be avoided at all cost.