“Egg fried rice”《蛋炒饭》is a lively and humorous song performed by Harlem Yu (庾澄庆), a well-known Taiwanese singer. Here are the Chinese lyrics with pinyin and English translations.
The first time I heard the song 蛋炒飯 (and saw the great video clip), a whole new world opened up for me. Of course, this classic dish from Chinese cuisine deserved a worthy musical rendition. I have to say that so far I only knew the chorus and that too only half, but thanks to this blog post I have also come to understand the rest of the lyrics better.
The song revolves around the theme of culinary mastery, telling the story of a young apprentice chef who has spent three and a half years training at the prestigious restaurant “Man Han Lou” (满汉楼). His final challenge before proving his skills? Cooking the perfect plate of egg fried rice.
The lyrics, though playful and lighthearted, convey a deeper life lesson – sometimes, the simplest tasks are the hardest to master. Just like making egg fried rice, which seems basic but requires precise technique, control of heat, and years of practice, success in life also comes down to mastering the fundamentals through dedication and perseverance. Isn’t that the ultimate Chinese philosophy?
In interviews, Harlem Yu has joked about how people often ask him if he is good at making egg fried rice because of the song. He has admitted that while he enjoys food, he is not a professional chef, and the song is more about life philosophy and mastering the basics rather than his personal cooking skills.
Chinese lyrics
屈指一算 这满汉楼 我已经待了三年半
挑水 劈柴 可没偷懒 端盘子 扫地 洗碗 我可勤快
师傅说我是块料儿 传授我中国菜的精髓所在
日日苦练 夜夜苦练 基本功不曾间断
到现在 我的刀法精湛 三两肉 飞快 我已铺满一大盘
到现在 我的手劲儿实在 铁锅甩 十斤小石子在锅里翻
师傅说 能不能出师 要过他那关 他叫我炒一盘 嗄?! 蛋炒饭
搞什么 这会不会太太太…难啦!!! 少啰嗦 师傅叫你做 你就做呗!!!
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 米要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 这题目太刁钻 可我手艺并非泛泛
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 中国五千年 火的艺术 就在这一盘
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比
* 间奏 *
来ㄟ 客官要点什么?
客官 咱们满汉楼远近驰名 什么菜都好吃
好唄! 那给我来一盘蛋炒饭
到现在 我的刀法精湛 三两肉 飞快 我已铺满一大盘
到现在 我的手劲儿实在 铁锅甩 十斤小石子在锅里翻
师傅说 能不能出师 要过他那关 他叫我炒一盘 嗄?! 蛋炒饭
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 米要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 这题目太刁钻 可我手艺并非泛泛
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 中国五千年 火的艺术 就在这一盘
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 米要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 这题目太刁钻 可我手艺并非泛泛
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 中国五千年 火的艺术 就在这一盘
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比
Chinese lyrics with pinyin and English translations
屈指一算 这满汉楼 我已经待了三年半
Qū zhǐ yī suàn zhè mǎn hàn lóu wǒ yǐjīng dài le sān nián bàn
Counting on my fingers, I’ve already been at this Manhanlou for three and a half years.
每天挑水 劈柴 可没偷懒 端盘子 扫地 洗碗 我可勤快
Měitiān tiāo shuǐ pī chái kě méi tōu lǎn duān pánzi sǎo dì xǐ wǎn wǒ kě qín kuài
Every day, I carry water, chop wood, don’t slack off, serve dishes, sweep the floor, wash dishes, I’m really diligent.
师傅说我是块料儿 传授我中国菜的精髓所在
Shīfù shuō wǒ shì kuài liào er chuán shòu wǒ zhōngguó cài de jīng suǐ suǒ zài
The master says I have potential, and he’s passing down to me the essence of Chinese cuisine.
日日苦练 夜夜苦练 基本功不曾间断
Rì rì kǔ liàn yè yè kǔ liàn jīběn gōng bù céng jiàn duàn
Day by day, night by night, I practice hard, my basic skills have never stopped.
到现在 我的刀法精湛 三两肉 飞快 我已铺满一大盘
Dào xiànzài wǒ de dāo fǎ jīng zhàn sān liǎng ròu fēi kuài wǒ yǐ pū mǎn yī dà pán
Now, my knife skills are excellent. I can slice three liang of meat quickly and fill up a large plate.
到现在 我的手劲儿实在 铁锅甩 十斤小石子在锅里翻
Dào xiànzài wǒ de shǒu jìn er shí zài tiě guō shuǎi shí jīn xiǎo shí zi zài guō lǐ fān
Now, my hand strength is solid. I can toss ten pounds of small stones in a wok and flip them around.
师傅说 能不能出师 要过他那关 他叫我炒一盘 嗄?! 蛋炒饭
Shīfù shuō néng bù néng chū shī yào guò tā nà guān tā jiào wǒ chǎo yī pán hā?! Dàn chǎo fàn
The master says whether I’m ready to leave his tutelage depends on whether I can pass his test. He asked me to make a dish… huh?! Fried rice?
搞什么 这会不会太太太…难啦!!! 少啰嗦 师傅叫你做 你就做呗!!!
Gǎo shénme zhè huì bù huì tài tài tài… nán la!!! Shǎo luō suō shīfù jiào nǐ zuò nǐ jiù zuò bèi!!!
What is this, isn’t this a bit too… difficult?! Stop complaining, the master told you to do it, just do it!!!
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 米要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋
Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán mǐ yào lì lì fēn kāi hái yào zhān zhe dàn
Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. The rice needs to be separated, and still coated with egg.
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌
Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán tiě guō fān bù gòu kuài bǎo zhèng zá le zhāo pái
Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. If I don’t flip the wok fast enough, I’ll ruin the reputation.
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 这题目太刁钻 可我手艺并非泛泛
Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán zhè tí mù tài diāo zuān kě wǒ shǒu yì bìng fēi fàn fēi
Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. This task is too tricky, but my skills are not trivial.
嘿 蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 中国五千年 火的艺术 就在这一盘
Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán zhōngguó wǔ qiān nián huǒ de yì shù jiù zài zhè yī pán
Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. The fiery art of 5000 years of China is in this one plate.
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名
Mǎn hàn lóu lǐ gāo shǒu yún jí fàng yǎn zhōngguó xiǎng yù shèng míng
At Manhanlou, experts gather. Looking across China, we have a prestigious reputation.
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比
Chuán zhì wǒ bèi jīng yì qiú jīng ruò fēi páo dīng wú rén kě bǐ
Passed down to our generation, we strive for perfection. If it’s not like a butcher, no one can compare.
* 间奏 *
Xiǎo èr ēi
来ㄟ 客官要点什么?
Lái ēi kèguān yào diǎn shénme?
Hello, sir! What would you like to order?
Nǐmen diàn lǐ yǒu shá hǎo chī de?
What’s good to eat at your restaurant?
客官 咱们满汉楼远近驰名 什么菜都好吃
Kèguān zánmen mǎn hàn lóu yuǎn jìn chí míng shénme cài dōu hǎo chī
Sir, our Manhanlou is famous far and wide, all of our dishes are delicious.
好唄! 那给我来一盘蛋炒饭
Hǎo bèi! Nà gěi wǒ lái yī pán dàn chǎo fàn
Okay! Then give me a plate of fried rice.
Key vocabulary from the song
Chinese Character | Pinyin | English Translation |
屈指一算 | qū zhǐ yī suàn | Counting on fingers |
满汉楼 | mǎn hàn lóu | Manhanlou (name of the restaurant) |
每天 | měi tiān | Every day |
挑水 | tiāo shuǐ | Carry water |
劈柴 | pī chái | Chop wood |
偷懒 | tōu lǎn | Slack off |
端盘子 | duān pánzi | Serve dishes |
扫地 | sǎo dì | Sweep the floor |
洗碗 | xǐ wǎn | Wash dishes |
勤快 | qín kuài | Diligent |
师傅 | shīfù | Master (teacher in a trade) |
料儿 | liào er | Potential (a person with talent) |
传授 | chuán shòu | Pass down |
精髓 | jīng suǐ | Essence |
基本功 | jī běn gōng | Basic skills |
刀法 | dāo fǎ | Knife skills |
手劲儿 | shǒu jìn er | Hand strength |
铁锅 | tiě guō | Wok (iron pot) |
甩 | shuǎi | Toss (flip) |
小石子 | xiǎo shí zi | Small stones |
出师 | chū shī | Ready to leave the master’s tutelage |
蛋炒饭 | dàn chǎo fàn | Fried rice |
题目 | tí mù | Topic, task |
刁钻 | diāo zuān | Tricky, difficult |
火的艺术 | huǒ de yì shù | The art of fire (cooking art) |
五千年 | wǔ qiān nián | Five thousand years |
高手 | gāo shǒu | Expert, master |
云集 | yún jí | Gather, assemble |
享誉盛名 | xiǎng yù shèng míng | Famous and renowned |
精益求精 | jīng yì qiú jīng | Strive for perfection |
庖丁 | páo dīng | Butcher (a skilled cook in Chinese idiom) |
无人可比 | wú rén kě bǐ | No one can compare |
招牌 | zhāo pái | Signboard, reputation |
少啰嗦 | shǎo luō suō | Stop complaining, stop rambling |
Key expressions from the song
Chinese Sentence | Pinyin | English Translation |
屈指一算 这满汉楼 我已经待了三年半 | Qū zhǐ yī suàn zhè mǎn hàn lóu wǒ yǐjīng dài le sān nián bàn | Counting on my fingers, I’ve already been at Manhanlou for three and a half years. |
每天挑水 劈柴 可没偷懒 端盘子 扫地 洗碗 我可勤快 | Měitiān tiāo shuǐ pī chái kě méi tōu lǎn duān pánzi sǎo dì xǐ wǎn wǒ kě qín kuài | Every day, I carry water, chop wood, don’t slack off, serve dishes, sweep the floor, wash dishes, I’m really diligent. |
师傅说我是块料儿 传授我中国菜的精髓所在 | Shīfù shuō wǒ shì kuài liào er chuán shòu wǒ zhōngguó cài de jīng suǐ suǒ zài | The master says I have potential, and he’s passing down to me the essence of Chinese cuisine. |
日日苦练 夜夜苦练 基本功不曾间断 | Rì rì kǔ liàn yè yè kǔ liàn jīběn gōng bù céng jiàn duàn | Day by day, night by night, I practice hard, my basic skills have never stopped. |
到现在 我的刀法精湛 三两肉 飞快 我已铺满一大盘 | Dào xiànzài wǒ de dāo fǎ jīng zhàn sān liǎng ròu fēi kuài wǒ yǐ pū mǎn yī dà pán | Now, my knife skills are excellent. I can slice three liang of meat quickly and fill up a large plate. |
师傅说 能不能出师 要过他那关 他叫我炒一盘 嗄?! 蛋炒饭 | Shīfù shuō néng bù néng chū shī yào guò tā nà guān tā jiào wǒ chǎo yī pán hā?! Dàn chǎo fàn | The master says whether I’m ready to leave his tutelage depends on whether I can pass his test. He asked me to make a dish… huh?! Fried rice? |
搞什么 这会不会太太太…难啦!!! 少啰嗦 师傅叫你做 你就做呗!!! | Gǎo shénme zhè huì bù huì tài tài tài… nán la!!! Shǎo luō suō shīfù jiào nǐ zuò nǐ jiù zuò bèi!!! | What is this, isn’t this a bit too… difficult?! Stop complaining, the master told you to do it, just do it!!! |
蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 米要粒粒分开 还要沾着蛋 | Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán mǐ yào lì lì fēn kāi hái yào zhān zhe dàn | Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. The rice needs to be separated, and still coated with egg. |
蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 铁锅翻不够快 保证砸了招牌 | Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán tiě guō fān bù gòu kuài bǎo zhèng zá le zhāo pái | Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. If I don’t flip the wok fast enough, I’ll ruin the reputation. |
蛋炒饭 最简单也最困难 这题目太刁钻 可我手艺并非泛泛 | Hēi dàn chǎo fàn zuì jiǎn dān yě zuì kùn nán zhè tí mù tài diāo zuān kě wǒ shǒu yì bìng fēi fàn fēi | Hey, fried rice, it’s both the simplest and the hardest. This task is too tricky, but my skills are not trivial. |
满汉楼里 高手云集 放眼中国 享誉盛名 | Mǎn hàn lóu lǐ gāo shǒu yún jí fàng yǎn zhōngguó xiǎng yù shèng míng | At Manhanlou, experts gather. Looking across China, we have a prestigious reputation. |
传至我辈 精益求精 若非庖丁 无人可比 | Chuán zhì wǒ bèi jīng yì qiú jīng ruò fēi páo dīng wú rén kě bǐ | Passed down to our generation, we strive for perfection. If it’s not like a butcher, no one can compare. |
Recipe for 蛋炒饭 (dàn chǎo fàn, egg fried rice)
Ingredients (食材 shícái, serves 2)
- 2 bowls of cooked rice (两碗熟米饭 liǎng wǎn shú mǐ fàn) [preferably day-old, cold rice (隔夜饭 gé yè fàn)]
- 2 eggs (两个鸡蛋 liǎng gè jī dàn)
- 1 tbsp oil (一勺油 yī sháo yóu) [vegetable oil (植物油 zhí wù yóu) or sesame oil (香油 xiāng yóu)]
- ½ cup green onions (optional) (半杯葱花 bàn bēi cōng huā)
- ½ cup mixed vegetables (半杯混合蔬菜 bàn bēi hùn hé shū cài) [peas (豌豆 wān dòu), carrots (胡萝卜 hú luó bo), corn (玉米 yù mǐ)]
- ½ tsp salt (半勺盐 bàn sháo yán) [to taste (适量 shì liàng)]
- 1 tbsp soy sauce (一勺酱油 yī sháo jiàng yóu)
- ½ tsp white pepper (optional) (半勺白胡椒粉 bàn sháo bái hú jiāo fěn)
Instructions (步骤 bù zhòu)
1. Prepare the rice (准备米饭 zhǔn bèi mǐ fàn)
- If using fresh rice (新鲜米饭 xīn xiān mǐ fàn), spread it out on a plate and let it cool (冷却 lěng què) slightly to prevent it from being too sticky (太黏 tài nián).
2. Scramble the eggs (炒鸡蛋 chǎo jī dàn)
- Heat 1 tbsp oil (加热一勺油 jiā rè yī sháo yóu) in a pan or wok (锅 guō) over medium-high heat (中高火 zhōng gāo huǒ).
- Crack the eggs (打鸡蛋 dǎ jī dàn) into the pan, stir quickly (快速搅拌 kuài sù jiǎo bàn), and scramble them (炒散 chǎo sàn) until just cooked (刚熟 gāng shú).
- Remove the eggs (取出鸡蛋 qǔ chū jī dàn) from the pan and set aside (放一旁 fàng yī páng).
3. Stir-fry the vegetables (炒蔬菜 chǎo shū cài)
- In the same pan, add a little more oil if needed (如果需要,再加一点油 rú guǒ xū yào, zài jiā yī diǎn yóu).
- Stir-fry (翻炒 fān chǎo) the chopped green onions (葱花 cōng huā) and vegetables (蔬菜 shū cài) for about 1 minute (炒一分钟 chǎo yī fēn zhōng).
4. Add the rice (加入米饭 jiā rù mǐ fàn)
- Add the cooked rice (加入熟米饭 jiā rù shú mǐ fàn) to the pan, breaking up any clumps (弄散米饭 nòng sàn mǐ fàn) with a spatula (锅铲 guō chǎn).
- Stir-fry for 2–3 minutes (炒2-3分钟 chǎo èr sān fēn zhōng) to ensure the rice is heated through (米饭加热均匀 mǐ fàn jiā rè jūn yún).
5. Season & mix everything (调味并搅拌 tiáo wèi bìng jiǎo bàn)
- Add salt (加盐 jiā yán), soy sauce (加酱油 jiā jiàng yóu), and white pepper (if using) (加白胡椒粉 jiā bái hú jiāo fěn).
- Mix well (搅拌均匀 jiǎo bàn jūn yún) so the seasonings coat the rice evenly (让调料均匀裹住米饭 ràng tiáo liào jūn yún guǒ zhù mǐ fàn).
6. Add the eggs back (加入鸡蛋 jiā rù jī dàn)
- Return the scrambled eggs to the pan (把炒好的鸡蛋倒回锅里 bǎ chǎo hǎo de jī dàn dào huí guō lǐ).
- Stir everything together for another minute (再翻炒一分钟 zài fān chǎo yī fēn zhōng).
7. Serve & enjoy! (上菜并享用!shàng cài bìng xiǎng yòng!)
- Transfer the fried rice to a plate (把蛋炒饭盛到盘子里 bǎ dàn chǎo fàn chéng dào pán zi lǐ) and enjoy it hot (趁热吃 chèn rè chī)!
Tips (小贴士 xiǎo tiē shì)
🔥 Use cold, day-old rice (用隔夜饭 yòng gé yè fàn) – Freshly cooked rice is too soft (太软 tài ruǎn) and can become mushy (变成糊状 biàn chéng hú zhuàng).
🔥 Don’t overcook the eggs (不要炒太老 bú yào chǎo tài lǎo) – Keep them soft (保持嫩滑 bǎo chí nèn huá) so they stay tender.
🔥 High heat is key (大火快炒 dà huǒ kuài chǎo) – Stir-fry quickly to get that restaurant-style “wok hei” (锅气 guō qì).
At first glance, 蛋炒饭 (Egg Fried Rice) seems like a lighthearted song about cooking, but it carries a profound message about mastery and perseverance (精益求精). The apprentice, after 三年半 (three and a half years) of rigorous training, faces his final test – not an extravagant dish, but a simple 蛋炒饭. This reflects how in life, true skill is measured not by complexity, but by excellence in fundamentals.
The lyrics emphasize 基本功不曾间断 (never neglecting the basics), showing that greatness comes from disciplined practice. Just like 铁锅翻不够快,保证砸了招牌 (if the wok isn’t flipped fast enough, the reputation is ruined), small details determine success or failure.
Ultimately, 蛋炒饭 symbolizes the pursuit of perfection in simplicity—whether in cooking, art, or life, the simplest things often hold the deepest challenges, requiring both technical skill and inner wisdom.
Bonus vocabulary
1. Essential ingredients (基本食材 jīběn shícái)
- 大米 (dà mǐ) – Rice
- 面粉 (miàn fěn) – Flour
- 豆腐 (dòu fu) – Tofu
- 酱油 (jiàng yóu) – Soy sauce
- 醋 (cù) – Vinegar
- 香油 (xiāng yóu) – Sesame oil
- 味精 (wèi jīng) – MSG (monosodium glutamate)
- 豆瓣酱 (dòu bàn jiàng) – Fermented bean paste
- 五香粉 (wǔ xiāng fěn) – Five-spice powder
- 八角 (bā jiǎo) – Star anise
2. Cooking methods (烹饪方法 pēngrèn fāngfǎ)
- 炒 (chǎo) – Stir-fry
- 蒸 (zhēng) – Steam
- 煮 (zhǔ) – Boil
- 炸 (zhá) – Deep-fry
- 炖 (dùn) – Stew
- 红烧 (hóng shāo) – Braise in soy sauce
- 煎 (jiān) – Pan-fry
- 焗 (jú) – Bake
- 熬 (áo) – Simmer slowly
- 凉拌 (liáng bàn) – Cold mix (salad-style)
3. Kitchen tools (厨房工具 chúfáng gōngjù)
- 锅 (guō) – Wok/Pan
- 蒸笼 (zhēng lóng) – Bamboo steamer
- 菜刀 (cài dāo) – Kitchen knife
- 砧板 (zhēn bǎn) – Cutting board
- 锅铲 (guō chǎn) – Spatula
- 漏勺 (lòu sháo) – Strainer ladle
- 擀面杖 (gǎn miàn zhàng) – Rolling pin
- 饭勺 (fàn sháo) – Rice scoop
4. Famous Chinese dishes (中国名菜 Zhōngguó míng cài)
- 宫保鸡丁 (gōng bǎo jī dīng) – Kung Pao Chicken
- 北京烤鸭 (běi jīng kǎo yā) – Peking Duck
- 麻婆豆腐 (má pó dòu fu) – Mapo Tofu
- 小笼包 (xiǎo lóng bāo) – Soup Dumplings
- 鱼香茄子 (yú xiāng qié zi) – Fish-Flavored Eggplant
- 炒河粉 (chǎo hé fěn) – Stir-fried Rice Noodles
- 担担面 (dàn dàn miàn) – Dan Dan Noodles
- 叉烧 (chā shāo) – BBQ Pork
6. Useful cooking phrases (实用烹饪短语 shíyòng pēngrèn duǎnyǔ)
- 米饭要粒粒分开 (mǐ fàn yào lì lì fēn kāi) – The rice should be separated grain by grain.
- 火候很重要 (huǒ hòu hěn zhòng yào) – Control of heat is very important.
- 翻锅的技巧 (fān guō de jì qiǎo) – The skill of flipping the wok.
- 少盐少油 (shǎo yán shǎo yóu) – Less salt and less oil.
- 菜刀要锋利 (cài dāo yào fēng lì) – The kitchen knife must be sharp.
Chinese summary
《蛋炒饭》是庾澄庆(Harlem Yu)唱的一首歌。歌曲讲的是一个学厨师的人,他在满汉楼学习了三年半,每天练习切菜、炒菜。师傅说他要通过最后的考试,才能成为真正的厨师。考试的内容不是复杂的菜,而是简单的蛋炒饭!