赵传 – 我是一只小小鸟 (1990)

我是一只小小鸟 is a classic song from the 90’s by 赵传 (Zhao Chuan that is still popular today. Here’s the song with Chinese lyrics, English translation, pinyin and more background information.



每次到了夜深人静的时候 我总是睡不着





Chinese lyrics with English translation and pinyin

Yǒu shíhòu wǒ juéde zìjǐ xiàng yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo niǎo
Sometimes I feel like a little bird

Xiǎng yào fēi què zěnme yàng yě fēi bù gāo
I want to fly, but no matter what, I can’t fly high

Yěxǔ yǒu yītiān wǒ qī shàng le zhī tóu
Maybe one day, I will perch on a branch

Què chéngwéi lièrén de mùbiāo
But become the target of a hunter

Wǒ fēi shàng le qīngtiān cái fāxiàn zìjǐ
I soared into the blue sky, only to realize

Cóngcǐ wú yī wú kào
That from then on, I had no one to rely on

Měi cì dào le yè shēn rén jìng de shíhòu
Every time the night falls silent

Wǒ zǒng shì shuì bù zháo
I always find it hard to sleep

Wǒ huáiyí shì bù shì zhǐ yǒu wǒ de míngtiān méi yǒu biàn de gèng hǎo
I wonder if I’m the only one whose tomorrow never gets better

未来会怎样 究竟有谁会知道
Wèilái huì zěnyàng jiūjìng yǒu shéi huì zhīdào
What will the future be like? Who can truly know?

Xìngfú shì fǒu zhǐ shì yī zhǒng chuánshuō
Is happiness just a legend?

Wǒ yǒngyuǎn dōu zhǎo bù dào
I can never seem to find it

Wǒ shì yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo xiǎo xiǎo niǎo
I am a tiny little bird

Xiǎng yào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I want to fly, but I just can’t fly high

Wǒ xún xún mì mì xún xún mì mì yī gè wēn nuǎn de huái bào
I keep searching and searching for a warm embrace

Zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn bù suàn tài gāo
Is such a request really too much?

所有知道我的名字的人呐 你们好不好
Suǒyǒu zhīdào wǒ de míngzì de rén na, nǐmen hǎo bù hǎo
To everyone who knows my name, how are you doing?

世界是如此的小 我们注定无处可逃
Shìjiè shì rúcǐ de xiǎo, wǒmen zhùdìng wú chù kě táo
The world is so small, we are destined to have nowhere to escape

Dāng wǒ cháng jìn rénqíng lěng nuǎn
When I have tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships

Dāng nǐ juédìng wèi le nǐ de lǐxiǎng ránshāo
When you decide to burn for your dreams

生活的压力与生命的尊严 哪一个重要
Shēnghuó de yālì yǔ shēngmìng de zūnyán, nǎ yí gè zhòngyào
The pressure of life and the dignity of existence—which one is more important?

10 key expressions from the song

1. 小小鸟 (xiǎo xiǎo niǎo) – “Little Bird”

  • The central metaphor of the song, representing a fragile, struggling individual.
  • Example: 我是一只小小鸟 (I am a little bird).

2. 飞不高 (fēi bù gāo) – “Cannot fly high”

  • Symbolizes limitations, struggles, and dreams that feel unreachable.
  • Example: 想要飞呀飞,却飞也飞不高 (I want to fly, but I just can’t fly high).

3. 无依无靠 (wú yī wú kào) – “Having no one to rely on”

  • Describes loneliness and feeling unsupported.
  • Example: 我飞上了青天才发现自己从此无依无靠 (I soared into the sky, only to realize I had no one to rely on).

4. 夜深人静 (yè shēn rén jìng) – “Late at night when all is quiet”

  • Often used to describe a time for deep thoughts or loneliness.
  • Example: 每次到了夜深人静的时候,我总是睡不着 (Every time the night falls silent, I always find it hard to sleep).

5. 寻寻觅觅 (xún xún mì mì) – “Searching and searching”

  • A poetic way to express a continuous, sometimes desperate search.
  • Example: 我寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱 (I keep searching for a warm embrace).

6. 人情冷暖 (rénqíng lěng nuǎn) – “The warmth and coldness of human relationships”

  • Refers to the ups and downs of human connections, how people can be kind or indifferent.
  • Example: 当我尝尽人情冷暖 (When I have tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships).

7. 生活的压力 (shēnghuó de yālì) – “The pressures of life”

  • Common phrase to talk about stress from work, family, and society.
  • Example: 生活的压力与生命的尊严,哪一个重要? (The pressure of life and the dignity of existence—which one is more important?).

8. 理想 (lǐxiǎng) – “Ideals/dreams”

  • Used to describe one’s ambitions and life goals.
  • Example: 当你决定为了你的理想燃烧 (When you decide to burn for your dreams).

9. 算不算太高 (suàn bù suàn tài gāo) – “Is this considered too much?”

  • A rhetorical way of asking whether one’s expectations are excessive.
  • Example: 这样的要求算不算太高? (Is such a request really too much?).

10. 注定 (zhùdìng) – “destined”

  • Used to describe fate or something that is meant to happen.
  • Example: 我们注定无处可逃 (We are destined to have nowhere to escape).

Interpretation of 小小鸟 for Chinese learners

The song 小小鸟 (Little Bird) is a heartfelt ballad that expresses struggles, dreams, and the longing for warmth and belonging. The lyrics compare the singer to a small bird that desperately wants to fly high but keeps failing. This metaphor reflects life’s hardships, personal limitations and unfulfilled dreams. Even when the bird (or person) manages to rise, they feel lonely and unsupported (无依无靠).

The song also explores uncertainty about the future (未来会怎样?谁会知道?) and the universal search for happiness, which sometimes feels like a myth (传说). The repeated phrase “我寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱” (I keep searching for a warm embrace) shows a deep desire for love, understanding, and comfort.

Additionally, the lyrics touch on life’s harsh realities, such as the pressures of society (生活的压力) and the emotional ups and downs of human relationships (人情冷暖). The question “这样的要求算不算太高?” (Is this request too much?) suggests self-doubt – is it unrealistic to hope for happiness and security?

Ultimately, 小小鸟 is a song about persistence and vulnerability. It resonates with anyone who has felt lost, tired, or uncertain about their future, making it a deeply relatable and emotional song for listeners.

Your interpretation is interesting! The song 小小鸟 can indeed reflect the struggles of young people preparing for the 高考 (Gaokao), but its meaning is broader and resonates with various life challenges.

Cultural context of 小小鸟

The song was originally written and performed by 赵传 (Zhao Chuan) in the 1990s, a period when China and Taiwan were experiencing rapid social and economic changes. Many people, especially the younger generation, felt pressured to succeed in an increasingly competitive society. The lyrics of 小小鸟 capture this sense of struggle, frustration and longing for freedom, making it widely relatable.

Possible interpretations in Chinese culture

  1. The Gaokao struggle
    • Many students in China sacrifice their youth to prepare for the Gaokao, an exam that determines their future. The line “想要飞却怎么样也飞不高” (I want to fly, but I just can’t fly high) could symbolize the pressure students feel – no matter how hard they study, success is uncertain.
    • The loneliness and exhaustion described in the song could reflect students who spend long nights studying alone, questioning their future (“是不是只有我的明天没有变得更好” – Is it only my tomorrow that won’t get better?”).
  2. Migrant workers and the “floating population”
    • The 1990s saw a massive wave of rural-to-urban migration. Many young people left their hometowns and families in search of better opportunities in big cities.
    • The feeling of being rootless and unsupported (“从此无依无靠” – From now on, I have no one to rely on) could describe migrant workers struggling to survive in a fast-changing society.
  3. Mid-life crisis & social expectations
    • The song also speaks to adults who feel stuck in life, constantly searching for happiness (“我寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱” – I keep searching for a warm embrace”).
    • It reflects the tension between personal dreams and social pressures – whether to pursue one’s passions or surrender to life’s demands.

Why the song is so beloved in China

Regardless of age, many people see themselves in this song. It speaks to ambition vs. limitation, freedom vs. responsibility and dreams vs. reality – universal struggles that resonate deeply in Chinese society. Whether it’s students facing the Gaokao, workers dealing with job stress or adults feeling lost in life, 小小鸟 remains a powerful anthem of perseverance and longing.

Quiz: 小小鸟

Quiz: 小小鸟

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