费翔 – 故乡的云 (1987)

“故乡的云” (Clouds of home) is a famous Chinese song originally performed by 费翔 (Fei Xiang) in the 1980s. Here you can find the Chinese lyrics, English translations, pinyin and more stuff for learners of Chinese.

The song “故乡的云” expresses deep 思乡 (homesickness) and the emotions of a 游子 (wanderer) who has spent years 浪迹天涯 (roaming the world) but longs to return home. The lyrics are filled with nostalgia, describing how the 故乡的风 (hometown’s wind) and 故乡的云 (hometown’s clouds) seem to call him back.

The song became widely popular, especially among overseas Chinese, as it resonated with those living far from home. Its touching melody and heartfelt lyrics make it a classic in Chinese pop music.

Clouds of home (1987)


归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子
归来吧 归来哟,别再四处飘泊


归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子
归来吧 归来哟,我已厌倦飘泊


《故乡的云》- English translation & pinyin

Tiānbiān piāoguò gùxiāng de yún, tā bù tíng de xiàng wǒ zhàohuàn
The clouds of my hometown drift past the horizon, constantly calling out to me.

Dāng shēnbiān de wēifēng qīngqīng chuī qǐ, yǒu gè shēngyīn zài duì wǒ hūhuàn
When the gentle breeze blows around me, I hear a voice calling to me.

归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子
Guīlái ba, guīlái yō, làngjì tiānyá de yóuzǐ
Come back, come back, you who have wandered to the ends of the earth.

归来吧 归来哟,别再四处飘泊
Guīlái ba, guīlái yō, bié zài sìchù piāobó
Come back, come back, stop drifting from place to place.

Tàzhe chénzhòng de jiǎobù, guīxiāng lù shì nàme de màncháng
With heavy footsteps, the road home feels so long.

Dāng shēnbiān de wēifēng qīngqīng chuī qǐ, chuī lái gùxiāng nítǔ de fēnfāng
When the gentle breeze blows around me, it carries the fragrance of my homeland’s soil.

归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子
Guīlái ba, guīlái yō, làngjì tiānyá de yóuzǐ
Come back, come back, you who have wandered to the ends of the earth.

归来吧 归来哟,我已厌倦飘泊
Guīlái ba, guīlái yō, wǒ yǐ yànjuàn piāobó
Come back, come back, I am tired of wandering.

Wǒ yǐ shì mǎnhuái píbèi, yǎn lǐ shì suānchǔ de lèi
I am filled with exhaustion, and my eyes are full of bitter tears.

Nà gùxiāng de fēng hé gùxiāng de yún, wèi wǒ mǒ qù chuānghén
The wind and clouds of my hometown wipe away my scars.

Wǒ céngjīng háoqíng wànzhàng, guīlái què kōngkōng de xíngnáng
I once had great ambitions, but now I return with an empty bag.

Nà gùxiāng de fēng hé gùxiāng de yún, wèi wǒ fǔpíng chuāngshāng
The wind and clouds of my hometown heal my wounds.

Vocabulary list

  1. 故乡 (gùxiāng) – Hometown
  2. 云 (yún) – Cloud
  3. 召唤 (zhàohuàn) – To call, summon
  4. 微风 (wēifēng) – Breeze, light wind
  5. 归来 (guīlái) – To return
  6. 浪迹天涯 (làngjì tiānyá) – To wander far and wide
  7. 游子 (yóuzǐ) – Traveler, someone away from home
  8. 飘泊 (piāobó) – To drift, wander
  9. 沉重 (chénzhòng) – Heavy, burdened
  10. 芬芳 (fēnfāng) – Fragrance
  11. 厌倦 (yànjuàn) – To be weary of, tired of
  12. 疲惫 (píbèi) – Exhausted, weary
  13. 酸楚 (suānchǔ) – Bitterness, sorrow
  14. 创痕 (chuānghén) – Scar, wound
  15. 豪情万丈 (háoqíng wànzhàng) – Great ambition, lofty aspirations

8 Key expressions from《故乡的云》

  1. 故乡的云 (gùxiāng de yún) – The clouds of my hometown
  2. 浪迹天涯 (làngjì tiānyá) – To wander far and wide
  3. 归来吧,归来哟 (guīlái ba, guīlái yō) – Come back, come back
  4. 别再四处飘泊 (bié zài sìchù piāobó) – Don’t drift around anymore
  5. 沉重的脚步 (chénzhòng de jiǎobù) – Heavy footsteps
  6. 故乡泥土的芬芳 (gùxiāng nítǔ de fēnfāng) – The fragrance of my hometown’s soil
  7. 满怀疲惫 (mǎnhuái píbèi) – Filled with exhaustion
  8. 豪情万丈 (háoqíng wànzhàng) – Great ambition and enthusiasm


“故乡的云” (Clouds of home) is a song about a 游子 (wanderer) who has been 浪迹天涯 (roaming the world) but now feels 满怀疲惫 (completely exhausted). As the 故乡的风 (hometown’s wind) blows, carrying the 故乡泥土的芬芳 (fragrance of hometown’s soil), he hears it calling him back. Although he once had 豪情万丈 (great ambition), he now returns with an 空空的行囊 (empty bag). The song expresses deep 思乡 (homesickness), reminding us that no matter how far we go, 故乡的云 (hometown’s clouds) will always be there, waiting for us.

Chinese summary


故乡的云 Quiz

Quiz: 故乡的云


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