任賢齊 – 心太軟 (1996)

“心太软” (xīn tài ruǎn) is a well-known love song by Ren Xianqi (任賢齊), released in 1996. Here are the Chinese lyrics, English translations, pinyin and more.

“心太软” expresses the emotional journey of a person who is deeply in love but suffers from the imbalance in the relationship. The person is portrayed as having a “soft heart” and is unable to let go despite the emotional toll. The song speaks to anyone who has ever loved selflessly, even when that love isn’t fully returned or appreciated.

Richie Jen – Too softhearted (1996)

你总是心太软 心太软

你总是心太软 心太软
相爱总是简单 相处太难
不是你的 就别再勉强


多余的牺牲 他不懂心疼

喔 算了吧
就这样忘了吧 该放就放
傻傻等待 他也不会回来

你总是心太软 心太软

你总是心太软 心太软
相爱总是简单 相处太难
不是你的 就别再勉强


多余的牺牲 他不懂心疼

喔 算了吧
就这样忘了吧 该放就放
傻傻等待 他也不会回来

你总是心太软 心太软

你总是心太软 心太软
相爱总是简单 相处太难
不是你的 就别再勉强

不是你的 就别再勉强

不是你的 就别再勉强

不是你的 就别再勉强

Chinese lyrics with English translations + pinyin

你总是心太软 心太软
Nǐ zǒng shì xīn tài ruǎn xīn tài ruǎn
You’re always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted

Dúzì yīgè rén liúlèi dào tiān liàng
You cry alone until dawn

Nǐ wú yuàn wú huǐ de ài zhe nàgè rén
You love that person without complaints or regrets

Wǒ zhīdào nǐ gēnběn méi nàme jiānqiáng
I know you’re not as strong as you seem

你总是心太软 心太软
Nǐ zǒng shì xīn tài ruǎn xīn tài ruǎn
You’re always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted

Bǎ suǒyǒu wèntí dōu zìjǐ káng
You carry all the problems by yourself

相爱总是简单 相处太难
Xiāng’ài zǒng shì jiǎndān xiāngchǔ tài nán
Loving each other is always easy, but being together is too difficult

不是你的 就别再勉强
Bù shì nǐ de jiù bié zài miǎnqiǎng
If it’s not yours, stop forcing it

Yè shēnle nǐ hái bù xiǎng shuì
It’s late, but you still don’t want to sleep

Nǐ hái zài xiǎng zhe tā ma
Are you still thinking about him?

Nǐ zhèyàng chīqíng dàodǐ lèi bù lèi
Isn’t it tiring, being this devoted?

Míngzhī tā bù huì huílái ānwèi
Knowing that he won’t come back to comfort you

Zhǐ bùguò xiǎng hǎohǎo ài yīgè rén
You just want to love someone sincerely

Kěxí tā wúfǎ gěi nǐ mǎnfēn
Unfortunately, he can’t give you a perfect score

多余的牺牲 他不懂心疼
Duōyú de xīshēng tā bù dǒng xīnténg
The extra sacrifices, he doesn’t understand how much it hurts

Nǐ yīnggāi bù huì zhǐ xiǎng zuò gè hǎo rén
You shouldn’t just want to be a good person

喔 算了吧
Ō, suànle ba
Oh, forget it

就这样忘了吧 该放就放
Jiù zhèyàng wàngle ba, gāi fàng jiù fàng
Just forget it this way, let go when it’s time to let go

Zài xiǎng yě méiyǒu yòng
Thinking about it more doesn’t help

傻傻等待 他也不会回来
Shǎ shǎ děngdài, tā yě bù huì huílái
Waiting foolishly, he won’t come back

Nǐ zǒng gāi wèi zìjǐ xiǎng xiǎng wèilái
You should think about your future for yourself

(Repeat earlier lyrics…)

不是你的 就别再勉强
Bù shì nǐ de jiù bié zài miǎnqiǎng
If it’s not yours, stop forcing it

Key vocabulary

ChinesePinyinEnglish Translation
心太软xīn tài ruǎnToo soft-hearted
独自dúzìAlone, by oneself
流泪liúlèiTo cry, shedding tears
无怨无悔wú yuàn wú huǐNo complaints, no regrets
àiTo love
坚强jiānqiángStrong, resilient
kángTo bear, to carry (a burden)
相爱xiāng’àiTo love each other
相处xiāngchǔTo get along, live together
勉强miǎnqiǎngTo force, to strain
夜深yè shēnLate at night
痴情chīqíngInfatuated, devoted
lèiTired, exhausted
安慰ānwèiTo comfort, comfort
心疼xīnténgTo feel heartache, to care for
满分mǎnfēnFull marks, perfect score
傻傻shǎ shǎFoolishly, naively

10 key expressions

Chinese ExpressionPinyinEnglish Translation
你总是心太软nǐ zǒng shì xīn tài ruǎnYou are always too soft-hearted
独自一个人流泪到天亮dú zì yī gè rén liú lèi dào tiān liàngCrying alone until dawn
无怨无悔的爱着那个人wú yuàn wú huǐ de ài zhe nà gè rénLoving that person with no complaints or regrets
把所有问题都自己扛bǎ suǒ yǒu wèn tí dōu zì jǐ kángCarrying all the problems alone
相爱总是简单 相处太难xiāng ài zǒng shì jiǎn dān xiāng chǔ tài nánLoving each other is always simple, living together is hard
明知他不会回来安慰míng zhī tā bù huì huí lái ān wèiKnowing he won’t come back to comfort you
只不过想好好爱一个人zhǐ bù guò xiǎng hǎo hǎo ài yī gè rénJust wanting to love someone well
多余的牺牲 他不懂心疼duō yú de xī shēng tā bù dǒng xīn téngThe unnecessary sacrifices, he doesn’t understand how to care
傻傻等待 他也不会回来shǎ shǎ děng dài tā yě bù huì huí láiFoolishly waiting, he won’t come back
你总该为自己想想未来nǐ zǒng gāi wèi zì jǐ xiǎng xiǎng wèi láiYou should think about your future


The song 心太软 (Xīn tài ruǎn), which translates to “Too soft-hearted,” expresses the emotional pain and self-sacrifice of someone who loves deeply but struggles with unrequited love and unbalanced relationships. The lyrics describe a person who is always too “心太软” (xīn tài ruǎn), meaning too soft-hearted, carrying “所有问题” (suǒ yǒu wèn tí) alone, and crying “独自一个人流泪” (dú zì yī gè rén liú lèi).

They constantly “无怨无悔的爱着那个人” (wú yuàn wú huǐ de ài zhe nà gè rén), loving unconditionally, yet despite their efforts, they realize that their love is not reciprocated. The line “多余的牺牲” (duō yú de xī shēng), which means unnecessary sacrifices, highlights how the person gives so much but receives little in return, with their partner unable to “懂心疼” (dǒng xīn téng), or understand their feelings.

Throughout the song, the individual reflects on the difficulty of love, where “相爱总是简单 相处太难” (xiāng ài zǒng shì jiǎn dān xiāng chǔ tài nán), meaning love is simple but living together is hard, and they are ultimately faced with the painful realization that “他也不会回来” (tā yě bù huì huí lái), he won’t return. The song’s core message is about the emotional exhaustion of loving someone who does not return the same care and the need to finally let go. The phrase “你总该为自己想想未来” (nǐ zǒng gāi wèi zì jǐ xiǎng xiǎng wèi lái) suggests that one should focus on their own future and self-care.

Chinese summary


心太软 Lyrics Quiz

心太软 Lyrics Quiz

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