Category: AI

AI-tools for Chinese language learning

Can ChatGPT be your Chinese language tutor?

Generative AI is fast, affordable and advancing rapidly. Can AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Gemini perform tasks of a language tutor and make costly Chinese lessons dispensable?

Chinese text correction: ChatGPT vs professional Chinese teacher

Experiment: can ChatGPT correct my badly written Chinese texts better than a Chinese teacher?

Discussing ChatGPT’s learning tips for Chinese learners – from complete beginners to advanced

Since ChatGPT knows everything, I asked the AI-tool for his best learning advice for Chinese learners. Not just random learning advice, but broken down into learning tips for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. The results can be taken seriously. Find out which learning advice ChatGPT has in store for your current language goals.

Learning Chinese with ChatGPT – a game changer?

Is ChatGPT merely a hype or will the AI language model transform the way we learn Chinese and other foreign languages? What can it do and what can it do not? 5 ways it can assist with learning and practicing Chinese.