45 Chinese slang words that are too cool for textbooks

Slang is the heartbeat of everyday language and Chinese has plenty of it. Here are 45 commonly used slang words and expressions that will help you sound more native in an instant.

You might ask yourself: mastering enough Chinese vocabulary to hold an intelligent conversation is already difficult enough. So why bother learning so-called slang words, which you often don’t know where they come from and how they’re actually used?

I completely understand that these special expressions are not at the top of everyone’s list to master. However, there are good reasons to dive into them.

Real-life expressions

Every language has its own slang. And just to clarify, the ones I listed here are not obscure expressions that you might encounter once in your life, but those that are useful in everyday life (with Chinese people). First, to avoid being left speechless when they’re used in a conversation, and second, to actively incorporate them into your speech.

Discover the world beyond standard vocabulary

Every language consists not only of standard vocabulary, like what you find in HSK books. In fact, authentic expressions give language use more character. And slang words send a signal – just like chengyu (Chinese idioms) – that you have a deeper understanding of the Chinese language. In short, you make an immediate impact, and that boosts your confidence.

I was called a 乌鸦嘴 (wūyā zuǐ)!

Chinese slang is amazing. I’ve been called a 乌鸦嘴 (wūyā zuǐ) for saying pessimistic things. I’ve seen 阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu) perform Chinese songs on CCTV. When somebody starts quarreling over nothing, you might wonder if the person 吃饱了没事干 (chī bǎo le méi shì gàn). I see many 装逼 (zhuāng bī) on LinkedIn doing self promotion and 吹牛 (chuī niú) to impress others.

45 Chinese slang expressions to boost your language skills

For this blog, I’ve listed 45 slang expressions and sorted them (more or less) by topic. I’ve included the origin as much as I could – as I don’t know everything – to give an idea of where the expression comes from. Additionally, I’ve included at least one example sentence for each slang word.

Oh, and if you spot any mistakes or know more useful slang words, feel free to share them in the comments!

  1. 工作与职场 (work & career)
  2. 财务与消费 (money & lifestyle)
  3. 社交与人际关系 (social & relationships)
  4. 性格与智力 (personality & intelligence)
  5. 讽刺与骂人 (insults & mockery)
  6. 处事与态度 (behavior & attitude)
  7. 文化与潮流 (trendy & cultural)
被炒鱿鱼 (bèi chǎo yóuyú)
被炒鱿鱼 (bèi chǎo yóuyú) – this means ‘to be fired’

1. 工作与职场 (work & career)

1. 996 (jiǔ-jiǔ-liù)

Meaning: Working from 9 AM to 9 PM, 6 days a week.


“996” refers to an extreme work schedule popularized in China’s tech industry, where employees work from 9 AM to 9 PM, six days a week (72 hours per week). The term became widely known when Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba, defended it as a “blessing”, sparking debates about work-life balance and labor rights in China.

Example sentence:

在中国的互联网公司,996 工作制很常见。
(Zài Zhōngguó de hùliánwǎng gōngsī, 996 gōngzuòzhì hěn chángjiàn.)
“In Chinese tech companies, the 996 work schedule is very common.”

2. 被炒鱿鱼 (bèi chǎo yóuyú)

Meaning: To be fired.


The phrase literally means “to be fried like squid” and comes from the way squid curls up when fried, symbolizing someone being kicked out of their job. Some say it also refers to workers packing their belongings (which sometimes look like a rolled-up squid) after being dismissed.

Example sentence:

(Yīnwèi chídào tài duō cì, tā bèi lǎobǎn chǎo yóuyú le.)
“Because he was late too many times, his boss fired him.”

3. 开夜车 (kāi yèchē)

Meaning: To work late into the night (burn the midnight oil).


The phrase literally means “driving a car at night.” In ancient China, students and workers used oil lamps to study or work late at night, similar to how drivers travel long distances without stopping. Over time, it became slang for working or studying late into the night.

Example sentence:

(Kǎoshì qián yì tiān, wǒ bùdébù kāi yèchē fùxí.)
“The night before the exam, I had no choice but to stay up late studying.”

4. 靠谱 (kàopǔ)

Meaning: Reliable, trustworthy.


“靠谱” is a colloquial Northern Chinese expression that means “dependable” or “trustworthy.” “靠” (kào) means “to rely on,” and “谱” (pǔ) originally meant “a set of rules or guidelines.” If something is “靠谱,” it means it follows a reliable pattern or can be trusted.

Example sentence:

(Zhè jiā diàn de chǎnpǐn zhìliàng hěn kàopǔ.)
“The quality of the products in this store is very reliable.”

土豪 (tǔháo) - meaning: nouveau riche, wealthy but lacking class.
土豪 (tǔháo) – meaning: nouveau riche, wealthy but lacking class.

2. 财务与消费 (money & lifestyle)

5. 吃土 (chī tǔ)

Meaning: To be broke (literally “eating dirt”).


This phrase originated from Chinese internet culture, where young people joked that after spending all their money, they could only afford to eat dirt. It became popular on social media, especially after major online shopping festivals like Double 11 (Singles’ Day) when people spend too much and end up broke.

Example sentence:

(Zhège yuè mǎile tài duō dōngxī, wǒ yào chī tǔ le!)
“I spent too much this month, I’m totally broke!”

6. 吃西北风 (chī xīběifēng)

Meaning: To be starving/broke.


The phrase literally means “eating the northwest wind”, referring to cold and dry air in Northwest China, where the land is barren and food is scarce. This expression has been used for centuries to describe people struggling financially, having no money for food.

Example sentence:

(Rúguǒ nǐ zài bù zhǎo gōngzuò, jiù zhǐnéng chī xīběifēng le!)
“If you don’t find a job soon, you’ll have nothing to eat!”

7. 月光族 (yuèguāngzú)

Meaning: People who spend all their salary each month.


“月” (yuè) means “month,” “光” (guāng) means “completely used up,” and “族” (zú) means “group of people.” This slang refers to people who spend all their salary before the next payday, leaving nothing in savings. It is especially used for young urban workers who frequently overspend on shopping, entertainment, and dining out.

Example sentence:

(Tā měi gè yuè dōu huā guāng gōngzī, shì diǎnxíng de yuèguāngzú.)
“He spends all his salary every month—he’s a typical ‘moonlight clan’ member.”

8. 土豪 (tǔháo)

Meaning: Nouveau riche, wealthy but lacking class.


“土” (tǔ) means “earth” or “rural,” and “豪” (háo) means “wealthy.” Originally, “土豪” referred to rich landlords in rural China, but in modern slang, it describes newly rich people who show off their wealth in an extravagant and tasteless way (e.g., buying golden Ferraris, covering their homes in luxury brands).

Example sentence:

(Tā mǎile yí liàng jīnsè de fǎlālì, zhēn shì gè tǔháo!)
“He bought a golden Ferrari—such a nouveau riche!”

9. 拜金女 (bàijīn nǚ)

Meaning: Gold digger.


“拜” (bài) means “worship,” and “金” (jīn) means “gold”—so “拜金” means worshipping money. “拜金女” refers to a woman who prioritizes wealth over love or character in relationships, often seeking wealthy partners for a luxurious lifestyle.

Example sentence:

(Tā zhǐ hé yǒuqián rén jiāowǎng, dàjiā dōu shuō tā shì bàijīn nǚ.)
“She only dates rich men—everyone says she’s a gold digger.”

阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu) - meaning: Just anybody, nobodies.
阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu) – meaning: Just anybody, nobodies.

3. 社交与人际关系 (social & relationships)

10. 吃瓜群众 (chī guā qúnzhòng)

Meaning: Onlookers who enjoy gossip.


This phrase comes from the Chinese internet culture. “吃瓜” (chī guā) literally means “eating melon,” which refers to people who passively watch dramatic events unfold (like watching a TV show while eating snacks). “群众” (qúnzhòng) means “the masses,” referring to the general public. The term implies that these people don’t actively participate but love to observe and discuss gossip.

Example sentence:

(Míngxīng líhūn de xīnwén chūlái hòu, chī guā qúnzhòng lìkè kāishǐ tǎolùn.)
“When the celebrity divorce news came out, gossiping onlookers immediately started discussing it.”

11. 电灯泡 (diàndēngpào)

Meaning: Third wheel.


This term comes from the idea that a bright “light bulb” (电灯泡) is unnecessary when a romantic couple is spending time together. A third person in a romantic setting is as awkward and intrusive as a light bulb shining too brightly in a dim, romantic atmosphere.

Example sentence:

(Tāmen yuēhuì shí, wǒ qù dehuà huì biànchéng diàndēngpào.)
“If I go while they’re on a date, I’ll just be a third wheel.”

12. 撒狗粮 (sǎ gǒu liáng)

Meaning: To show off a romantic relationship.


“Gǒu liáng” (狗粮) means “dog food,” and in internet slang, it refers to the way couples publicly display their affection, making single people feel like lonely “dogs” forced to “eat” their romantic display. The phrase was first used in online forums, where single people jokingly complained about being fed “dog food” whenever they saw couples acting lovey-dovey.

Example sentence:

(Tāmen yòu zài péngyǒuquān sǎ gǒu liáng le!)
“They’re showing off their love again on social media!”

13. 吃醋 (chī cù)

Meaning: To be jealous (in a romantic context).


The phrase “吃醋” (chī cù) literally means “eating vinegar.” It dates back to the Tang Dynasty when Emperor Taizong gave a minister’s wife a choice between drinking poison or allowing her husband to take a concubine. She bravely drank what she thought was poison, but it turned out to be vinegar. Since then, “eating vinegar” has symbolized jealousy in love.

Example sentence:

(Kàndào tā hé bié de nánshēng liáotiān, tā chīcù le.)
“Seeing her chat with another guy, he got jealous.”

14. 被吃豆腐 (bèi chī dòufu)

Meaning: To be flirted with or taken advantage of.


This phrase comes from the idea that tofu (豆腐) is soft and easy to touch. Originally, it referred to inappropriate physical contact but has since evolved to describe any situation where someone is flirted with or taken advantage of in an uncomfortable way.

Example sentence:

(Tā shàngbān shí bèi nán tóngshì chī dòufu, gǎnjué hěn bù shūfu.)
“She felt very uncomfortable when her male colleague flirted with her at work.”

15. 不是谁的菜 (bú shì shéi de cài)

Meaning: Not someone’s type.


In Chinese, “菜” (cài) literally means “dish” or “food.” This slang compares people to dishes, implying that if someone is “not your dish,” they are not to your taste—just as you might not like certain foods. This phrase is commonly used to say that someone is not romantically attractive or suitable for another person.

Example sentence:

(Tā zhǎng de tǐng shuài de, dàn bú shì wǒ de cài.)
“He looks pretty handsome, but he’s not my type.”

16. 阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu)

Meaning: Just anybody, nobodies.


This phrase combines “cat” (猫) and “dog” (狗), which are common and ordinary animals. The expression means any random person without status or importance. It can be used dismissively to imply that the person is unimportant.

Example sentence:

(Bú shì ā māo ā gǒu dōu néng jìn zhè jiā gōngsī gōngzuò de.)
“Not just anybody can work at this company.”

17. 外貌协会 (wàimào xiéhuì)

Meaning: People who judge others by looks.


“外貌” (wàimào) means “appearance,” and “协会” (xiéhuì) means “association.” This slang phrase jokingly describes people who only care about looks when choosing friends or partners, as if they belong to a society that values appearance above all else.

Example sentence:

(Tā zǒng shì xǐhuan zhǎng de piàoliang de nǚshēng, zhēn shì wàimào xiéhuì de!)
“He only likes pretty girls—he’s totally a member of the ‘Appearance Association’!”

老司机 (lǎosījī) - meaning: experienced person, often skilled at flirting or knowledgeable about mature content.
老司机 (lǎosījī) – meaning: experienced person, often skilled at flirting or knowledgeable about mature content.

4. 性格与智力 (personality & intelligence)

18. 学霸 (xuébà)

Meaning: Top student, overachiever.


The term “学霸” (xuébà) combines “学” (xué, study) and “霸” (bà, overlord). It originally had a negative connotation, referring to students who dominated academic life and might be arrogant about it. Over time, it has evolved into a more neutral or positive term, describing someone who is simply an exceptional student who excels academically.

Example sentence:

(Tā měitiān xuéxí dào língchén, juéduì shì gè xuébà.)
“He studies until midnight every day—definitely a top student!”

19. 学渣 (xuézhā)

Meaning: Poor student, underachiever.


Opposite to “学霸” (xuébà), “学渣” (xuézhā) combines “学” (xué, study) and “渣” (zhā, residue or dregs). It is used to self-deprecatingly or jokingly describe students who struggle academically. Unlike “学霸,” “学渣” has a more humorous, lighthearted tone, often used among friends.

Example sentence:

(Wǒ kǎoshì lǎoshì bù jígé, jiǎnzhí shì gè xuézhā.)
“I always fail exams—I’m totally a bad student.”

20. 宅男/宅女 (zháinán / zháinǚ)

Meaning: Homebody, introvert.


“宅” (zhái) means “to stay at home,” and “男” (nán) means “man,” while “女” (nǚ) means “woman.” This term originally referred to reclusive people who rarely leave their homes, often due to their obsession with gaming, anime, or online culture. It was borrowed from Japanese “宅” (otaku), which refers to people obsessed with a certain subculture. However, in modern use, it can simply mean someone who enjoys staying at home rather than socializing outside.

Example sentences:

(Tā zhōumò cóng bù chūmén, diǎnxíng de zháinán.)
“He never goes out on weekends—he’s a typical homebody.”

(Tā shì gè zháinǚ, zuì xǐhuan zài jiā zhuījù hé wán yóuxì.)
“She’s a homebody; she loves binge-watching dramas and playing games at home.”

21. 菜鸟 (càiniǎo)

Meaning: Rookie, newbie.


“菜” (cài) means “vegetable” (used metaphorically to mean “weak” or “inexperienced”), and “鸟” (niǎo) means “bird.” This term likely originated from online gaming culture, where inexperienced players were called “菜鸟” (weak birds). Now, it is widely used to refer to beginners in any field—from work, gaming, to daily activities.

Example sentences:

(Wǒ shì gāng rùzhí de càiniǎo, qǐng duōduō zhǐjiào.)
“I’m a rookie in the company—please guide me!”

(Tā gāng kāishǐ xué dǎ lánqiú, háishì gè càiniǎo.)
“He just started learning basketball—he’s still a newbie.”

22. 老司机 (lǎosījī)

Meaning: Experienced person, often skilled at flirting or knowledgeable about mature content.


Originally, “老司机” (lǎo sījī) meant a skilled and experienced driver (“老” meaning “old” or “experienced,” and “司机” meaning “driver”). However, in internet culture, it took on a double meaning—referring to people who are highly experienced in flirting, relationships, or mature internet content. This slang phrase is often used humorously.

Example sentences:

(Tā jīngcháng jiǎng huángsè xiàohuà, guǒrán shì lǎosījī.)
“He often tells dirty jokes—definitely an experienced one.”

(Zhège wèntí nǐ háishì wèn lǎosījī ba, tā zuì dǒng!)
“You should ask an expert about this—he knows best!”

乌鸦嘴 (wūyā zuǐ) - meaning: Jinx (someone who says bad things that come true).
乌鸦嘴 (wūyā zuǐ) – meaning: Jinx (someone who says bad things that come true).

5. 讽刺与骂人 (insults & mockery)

23. 装逼 (zhuāng bī)

Meaning: To show off, be pretentious.


“装” (zhuāng) means “pretend,” and “逼” (bī) is a vulgar slang term that roughly means “poser” or “wannabe.” Together, “装逼” describes someone who pretends to be more knowledgeable, richer, or superior than they really are. It’s often used to mock people who brag excessively or act fake.

Example sentence:

(Tā zǒng shì xuànyào zìjǐ de háochē, tài zhuāng bī le!)
“He’s always showing off his luxury car—such a pretentious poser!”

24. 二逼 (èr bī)

Meaning: Foolish, silly.


“二” (èr) means “two” and is often used in Northern Chinese dialects to describe someone as dumb or ridiculous. “逼” (bī) adds emphasis, making “二逼” a stronger way to call someone an idiot or fool. This phrase is mostly used jokingly among friends, but can also be an insult.

Example sentence:

(Nǐ jūrán xìnle zhège jiǎ xīnwén, zhēn èrbī!)
“You actually believed this fake news—so dumb!”

25. 蠢蛋 (chǔndàn)

Meaning: Idiot, fool.


“蠢” (chǔn) means “stupid,” and “蛋” (dàn) means “egg.” In Chinese slang, “蛋” is often used in insults, similar to “jerk” in English. “蠢蛋” is a mild but direct way to call someone an idiot.

Example sentence:

(Nǐ lián shǒujī mìmǎ dōu wàng le, zhēn shì gè chǔndàn!)
“You even forgot your phone password—such an idiot!”

26. 斗争到底 (dòuzhēng dàodǐ)

Meaning: To fight until the end.


“斗争” (dòuzhēng) means “struggle” or “fight,” and “到底” (dàodǐ) means “to the end.” This phrase is often used in political movements, competitions, or personal conflicts, meaning to persist in a fight or struggle without giving up.

Example sentence:

(Wǒmen wèile gōngpíng dàiyù, yào dòuzhēng dàodǐ!)
“We must fight to the end for fair treatment!”

27. 大嘴巴 (dà zuǐbā)

Meaning: Big mouth, someone who can’t keep secrets.


“大嘴巴” literally means “big mouth.” It refers to someone who talks too much and can’t keep a secret. It can also describe a person who spreads rumors or gossips a lot.

Example sentence:

(Wǒ zhǐshì gàosù nǐ yí gè mìmì, méi xiǎngdào nǐ zhème dà zuǐbā!)
“I only told you one secret—I didn’t expect you to have such a big mouth!”

28. 帮谁擦屁股 (bāng shéi cā pìgu)

Meaning: Cleaning up someone else’s mess.


“Cā pìgu” (擦屁股) literally means “wipe someone’s butt,” but figuratively, it means cleaning up after someone else’s mistakes. This phrase is often used in workplaces, politics, or personal life when someone messes up and others have to fix it.

Example sentence:

(Měi cì tā chūcuò, dōu shì wǒ bāng tā cā pìgu, zhēn fán!)
“Every time he messes up, I have to clean up after him—so annoying!”

29. 找茬 (zhǎo chá)

Meaning: To pick a fight.


“找” (zhǎo) means “to look for,” and “茬” (chá) originally referred to flaws in crops but later evolved to mean mistakes or faults. The phrase “找茬” means deliberately finding faults or causing trouble.

Example sentence:

(Tā jīntiān xīnqíng bù hǎo, zǒng shì zhǎo chá.)
“He’s in a bad mood today and keeps picking fights.”

30. 乌鸦嘴 (wūyā zuǐ)

Meaning: Jinx (someone who says bad things that come true).


“乌鸦” (wūyā) means “crow,” and “嘴” (zuǐ) means “mouth.” In Chinese culture, crows are often considered unlucky birds, and someone with a “crow’s mouth” is believed to speak bad things that actually come true.

Example sentence:

(Nǐ zuótiān shuō jīntiān huì xiàyǔ, jiéguǒ zhēn de xià le, zhēn shì gè wūyā zuǐ!)
“You said it would rain today, and it really did—you totally jinxed it!”

31. 吐槽 (tǔcáo)

Meaning: To roast, criticize.


“吐” (tǔ) means “spit,” and “槽” (cáo) means “trough.” This phrase originally came from Japanese (ツッコミ “Tsukkomi”), referring to sarcastic or humorous criticism. Now, it’s commonly used for complaining, making fun of something, or sarcastic comments.

Example sentence:

(Wǎngyǒu men tǔcáo zhè bù diànyǐng de jùqíng tài gǒuxiě.)
“Netizens are roasting this movie for its overly dramatic plot.”

32. 吹牛 (chuī niú)

Meaning: To brag, boast.


“吹” (chuī) means “blow” and “牛” (niú) means “cow.” This phrase originally meant blowing up something to make it sound bigger than it really is—similar to the English phrase “blowing smoke.” It’s used to describe people who exaggerate or brag too much.

Example sentence:

(Tā shuō tā rènshí hěn duō míngxīng, qíshí dōu shì chuī niú.)
“He said he knows a lot of celebrities, but he’s just bragging.”

放鸽子 (fàng gēzi) - meaning: to stand someone up.
放鸽子 (fàng gēzi) – meaning: to stand someone up.

6. 处事与态度 (behavior & attitude)

33. 病急乱投医 (bìng jí luàn tóu yī)

Meaning: Desperate measures in crisis.


This phrase literally means “When you’re seriously ill, you’ll seek any doctor”, meaning people in desperate situations will try anything, even unreliable solutions. It originates from traditional Chinese medicine, where people used to turn to any doctor when they were critically ill, even if the doctor had a bad reputation.

Example sentence:

(Tā wèile zhuànqián shénme shēngyì dōu zuò, zhēn shì bìng jí luàn tóu yī.)
“He’s so desperate to make money that he’ll try any business – he’s just grasping at straws.”

34. 临时抱佛脚 (línshí bào fójiǎo)

Meaning: Last-minute cramming.


“临时” (línshí) means “at the last moment,” and “抱佛脚” (bào fójiǎo) means “hugging Buddha’s feet.” The phrase comes from the idea that people who don’t usually pray will suddenly turn to Buddha when they are in trouble – similar to students who only study right before an exam.

Example sentence:

(Tā píngshí bù xuéxí, kǎoshì qián cái línshí bào fójiǎo.)
“He doesn’t study regularly—he only crams before exams.”

35. 放鸽子 (fàng gēzi)

Meaning: To stand someone up.


“放鸽子” (fàng gēzi) literally means “to release pigeons.” It originally referred to a game where pigeons were released but didn’t return, and later evolved into describing someone who fails to show up for a planned meeting or date.

Example sentence:

(Tā zuótiān dāyìng jiànmiàn, jiéguǒ fàng wǒ gēzi le!)
“He promised to meet me yesterday but stood me up!”

36. 睁一只眼 闭一只眼 (zhēng yì zhī yǎn, bì yì zhī yǎn)

Meaning: To turn a blind eye.


This phrase literally describes someone keeping one eye open and closing the other, implying that they choose to ignore wrongdoing or avoid getting involved. It’s often used when people overlook minor mistakes or corruption for convenience.

Example sentence:

(Lǎobǎn zhīdào tā shàngbān tōulǎn, dàn háishì zhēng yì zhī yǎn bì yì zhī yǎn.)
“The boss knows he slacks off at work but chooses to turn a blind eye.”

37. 左耳进右耳出 (zuǒ ěr jìn, yòu ěr chū)

Meaning: In one ear, out the other.


This phrase describes how words go into one ear and immediately exit through the other without being remembered or taken seriously. It’s often used to describe people who don’t listen or quickly forget instructions.

Example sentence:

(Māmā de huà wǒ zuǒ ěr jìn yòu ěr chū, cónglái méi tīng jìnqù.)
“Everything my mom says goes in one ear and out the other—I never really listen.”

38. 用膝盖想都知道 (yòng xīgài xiǎng dōu zhīdào)

Meaning: Obvious, doesn’t require thinking.


This humorous phrase means “Even thinking with your knees, you’d know the answer.” Since knees can’t think, this phrase exaggerates how obvious and easy something is to figure out.

Example sentence:

(Zhème piányi de shǒujī zhìliàng kěndìng bù hǎo, zhè yòng xīgài xiǎng dōu zhīdào!)
“A phone this cheap must be low quality—it’s so obvious!”

39. 一个头两个大 (yí gè tóu liǎng gè dà)

Meaning: Overwhelmed, confused.


This phrase literally means “one head, two sizes bigger.” It describes the feeling of being overwhelmed, stressed, or confused, as if your head is swelling from pressure.

Example sentence:

(Zhè fèn bàogào tài fùzá le, wǒ kàn de yí gè tóu liǎng gè dà.)
“This report is so complicated that my head feels like it’s going to explode.”

40. 吃饱了没事干 (chī bǎo le méi shì gàn)

Meaning: Having nothing better to do.


This phrase literally means “full and with nothing to do,” implying that someone is bored and doing pointless things. It’s often used to mock people who interfere in others’ business or waste time on meaningless activities.

Example sentence:

(Tā yì tiān dào wǎn zài wǎngshàng mà rén, zhēn shì chī bǎo le méi shì gàn!)
“He spends all day arguing online—he clearly has nothing better to do!”

放羊 (fàng yáng) - meaning: to slack off, let things be.
放羊 (fàng yáng) – meaning: to slack off, let things be.

7. 文化与潮流 (trendy & cultural)

41. 凡尔赛 (fán’ěrsài)

Meaning: Humblebragging (Versailles style).


This slang originated from a viral post on Chinese social media, where a user excessively downplayed their privilege while subtly showing off. It was later associated with the extravagant French Palace of Versailles, implying a person who pretends to be modest while actually flaunting their wealth, status, or intelligence.

Example sentence:

(Tā měitiān shuō zìjǐ hěn pàng, dàn qíshí chāojí shòu, tài fán’ěrsài le!)
“She always complains about being fat, but she’s actually super slim—such a humblebrag!”

42. 绿茶婊 (lǜchá biǎo)

Meaning: Manipulative woman pretending to be innocent.


“绿茶” (lǜchá) means “green tea,” which represents purity and innocence, while “婊” (biǎo) is a vulgar word for a woman who manipulates others with her fake innocence. The term refers to women who act sweet and innocent on the surface but are actually calculating and manipulative.

Example sentence:

(Tā biǎomiàn shàng hěn wēnróu, qíshí tèbié xīnjī, shì gè lǜchá biǎo.)
“She seems gentle on the surface, but she’s actually manipulative—a total ‘green tea girl’.”

43. 海归 (hǎiguī)

Meaning: Chinese who studied or worked abroad.


“海” (hǎi) means “ocean,” and “归” (guī) means “return.” This term literally describes someone returning from overseas, usually referring to Chinese people who studied or worked abroad and then returned to China. It’s often associated with prestigious foreign education or international work experience.

Example sentence:

(Tā shì hǎiguī, zài Měiguó liúxué le wǔ nián.)
“He is a returnee from abroad; he studied in the U.S. for five years.”

44. 放羊 (fàng yáng)

Meaning: To slack off, let things be.


“放羊” (fàng yáng) literally means “to let sheep graze freely.” It comes from the idea of shepherds who let their flock roam without supervision, which later became slang for someone who slacks off, neglects responsibilities, or lets things drift without control.

Example sentence:

(Tā zuìjìn shàngkè zǒng shì fàngyáng, zuòyè yě bù jiāo.)
“He’s been slacking off in class lately and not turning in homework.”

45. 拍马屁 (pāi mǎpì)

Meaning: To flatter excessively.


This phrase comes from ancient China, where people would pat (拍) a horse’s butt (马屁) to make it run faster or to gain favor with its owner. Over time, it became a metaphor for flattering someone excessively to gain benefits.

Example sentence:

(Tā wèile shēngzhí, tiāntiān pāi lǎobǎn de mǎpì.)
“To get promoted, he flatters his boss every day.”


How many Chinese slang words did you know already? Which ones would you like to use in your next Chinese conversation? It probably won’t make sense to learn all 45 of them by heart, but maybe you’ll remember two or three new expressions to try out sometime. In most cases, that will spark more conversation. So don’t hesitate to experiment with these slang words in your daily interactions – they might just help you connect with others on a whole new level!

Affiliate links

Chinese for dummies
Hacking Chinese - a practical guide to learning Mandarin by Olle Linge
Mastering Mandarin - Expert Hacks for anyone to fly from zero to fluency by Lawrence E. Feldman
Chinese conversations for intermediate
A cultural history of the Chinese language
Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation Crashing
Language hacking Mandarin - a conversation course for beginners
Mandarin Chinese: Principles of pronunciation

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