This gem is a classic Chinese children’s song from the 1986 animated series 葫芦兄弟 (Húlu Xiōngdì, Calabash Brothers), performed by Wowkie Zhang in the version linked below. Here’s a breakdown of the lyrics with English translations, pinyin and more.
Background of the song《葫芦娃》
The song《葫芦娃》(Húluwá) is the theme song of the famous Chinese animated series《葫芦兄弟》 (Calabash Brothers), which aired in 1986. The show was produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio (上海美术电影制片厂) and became one of the most beloved Chinese cartoons of all time.
About the song
- The song describes the seven Calabash Brothers, who were born from a single vine and each have their own special abilities.
- The lyrics emphasize their courage, teamwork, and fearlessness in fighting against evil spirits (妖精 yāojing).
- The famous line “妖精,放了我爷爷!” (Monster, let my grandpa go!) is a direct reference to the story’s central conflict.
About the animation
- 《葫芦兄弟》(Calabash Brothers) tells the story of seven magical brothers who battle against two evil spirits—a snake demon (蛇精 shéjīng) and a scorpion demon (蝎子精 xiēzijīng).
- Each brother has a unique power, such as super strength, invisibility, fire, water control, and x-ray vision.
- The series was hand-drawn and remains one of the most iconic works in Chinese animation history.
Cultural impact
- The song and show remain hugely popular in China, with many people still able to sing the theme song by heart.
- The term “葫芦娃” is often used metaphorically in modern Chinese culture to refer to brave and strong-willed characters.
- The show has been remade and adapted multiple times, including in modern 3D animations.
Wowkie Zhang – Calabash brothers (2018) – Chinese lyrics
葫芦娃 葫芦娃
葫芦娃 葫芦娃
叮当当咚咚当当 葫芦娃
叮当当咚咚当当 本领大
葫芦娃 葫芦娃 本领大
妖精 放了我爷爷!
Chinese Lyrics | pinyin | English translation
葫芦娃 葫芦娃
Húluwá, Húluwá
Calabash Brothers, Calabash Brothers
Yī gēn téng shàng qī gè guā
Seven gourds grow on one vine
Fēng chuī yǔ dǎ dōu bù pà
They fear neither wind nor rain
Lā lā lā lā
La la la la
葫芦娃 葫芦娃
Húluwá, Húluwá
Calabash Brothers, Calabash Brothers
Yī gēn téng shàng qī gè guā
Seven gourds grow on one vine
Fēng chuī yǔ dǎ dōu bù pà
They fear neither wind nor rain
Lā lā lā lā
La la la la
叮当当咚咚当当 葫芦娃
Dīng dāng dāng dōng dōng dāng dāng Húluwá
Ding dang dang, dong dong dang dang, Calabash Brothers!
叮当当咚咚当当 本领大
Dīng dāng dāng dōng dōng dāng dāng Běnlǐng dà
Ding dang dang, dong dong dang dang, great abilities!
葫芦娃 葫芦娃 本领大
Húluwá, Húluwá, běnlǐng dà
Calabash Brothers, Calabash Brothers, great abilities!
妖精 放了我爷爷!
Yāojing, fàng le wǒ yéye!
Monster, let my grandpa go!
Mythological and cultural background of《葫芦娃》
In case you also wondered where the makers got their inspiration from: the 葫芦娃 story is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore, incorporating themes of Taoist mythology and traditional monster-fighting legends (like in Journey to the West).
1. Taoist mythology and the magic gourd (葫芦 Húlu)
The calabash (葫芦, húlu) has strong roots in Taoist traditions and Chinese mythology:
- Sacred object: The calabash is often seen in Taoist art and legends as a container of elixirs, symbolizing immortality and spiritual power.
- Magical properties: In many stories, Taoist immortals (仙人, xiānrén) carry a gourd that can trap demons (妖怪, yāoguài) or hold magical potions.
- Symbol of protection: In Chinese folklore, gourds were also believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.
In 葫芦兄弟, each Calabash Brother is born from a magical 葫芦藤 (húlu téng, calabash vine), reflecting these Taoist ideas of divine power and destiny.
2. The theme of monster fighting (降妖伏魔, jiàng yāo fú mó)
The core story follows the Calabash Brothers battling the Snake Demon (蛇精, Shéjīng) and Scorpion Demon (蝎子精, Xiēzǐjīng) to rescue their grandfather. This follows the classic “妖魔 vs. 正义” (yāomó vs. zhèngyì, demons vs. justice) trope in Chinese mythology:
- 妖精 (Yāojing, demonic spirits): Many traditional Chinese myths feature demons who disguise themselves as beautiful women or animals to deceive humans. The Snake Demon in 葫芦娃 follows this pattern.
- 降妖伏魔 (Jiàng yāo fú mó, subduing demons and vanquishing evil): The Calabash Brothers, each with their own powers, are like immortal warriors (神仙勇士, shénxiān yǒngshì), a concept often seen in Chinese mythology.
- 拯救家人 (Zhěngjiù jiārén, rescuing family): This follows many filial piety (孝, xiào) legends, where heroes fight supernatural forces to save loved ones.
3. Symbolism of the seven Calabash Brothers (七个葫芦娃的象征, qī gè húluwá de xiàngzhēng)
Each brother’s unique color and power represent different virtues and strengths, much like the Five Elements Theory (五行, Wǔxíng) in Chinese philosophy:
葫芦娃 | 颜色 (Yánsè, Color) | 能力 (Nénglì, Power) | 象征 (Xiàngzhēng, Symbolism) |
大娃 (Dàwá) | 红色 (Hóngsè, Red) | 力大无穷 (Super strength) | 力量 (Lìliàng, Strength) |
二娃 (Èrwá) | 橙色 (Chéngsè, Orange) | 千里眼 (Super sight) & 顺风耳 (Super hearing) | 智慧 (Zhìhuì, Wisdom) |
三娃 (Sānwá) | 黄色 (Huángsè, Yellow) | 刀枪不入 (Invulnerability) | 坚韧 (Jiānrèn, Resilience) |
四娃 (Sìwá) | 绿色 (Lǜsè, Green) | 喷火 (Fire-breathing) | 激情 (Jīqíng, Passion) |
五娃 (Wǔwá) | 青色 (Qīngsè, Blue-Green) | 喷水 (Water control) | 平衡 (Pínghéng, Balance) |
六娃 (Liùwá) | 蓝色 (Lánsè, Blue) | 隐身 (Invisibility) | 机智 (Jīzhì, Cleverness) |
七娃 (Qīwá) | 紫色 (Zǐsè, Purple) | 神奇宝葫芦 (Magic Gourd, Absorbing Power) | 团结 (Tuánjié, Unity) |
Each power symbolizes a necessary trait for overcoming evil, reinforcing moral lessons for children.
Key vocabulary list
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
葫芦娃 | Húluwá | Calabash Brothers |
一根藤上七个瓜 | Yì gēn téng shàng qī gè guā | Seven gourds on one vine |
风吹雨打 | Fēng chuī yǔ dǎ | Wind and rain (hardships) |
不怕 | Bù pà | Not afraid |
啦啦啦 | Lā lā lā | La la la (onomatopoeia, singing) |
叮当当 | Dīng dāng dāng | Ding dang dang (onomatopoeia, sound effect) |
本领大 | Běnlǐng dà | Great abilities / very skilled |
妖精 | Yāojing | Demon / monster |
爷爷 | Yéye | Grandpa |
放了我爷爷! | Fàngle wǒ yéye! | Let my grandpa go! |
兄弟 | Xiōngdì | Brothers |
动画片 | Dònghuàpiàn | Animated series / cartoon |
七个兄弟 | Qī gè xiōngdì | Seven brothers |
任务 | Rènwù | Mission / task |
打败 | Dǎbài | To defeat |
救出 | Jiùchū | To rescue |
抓走 | Zhuāzǒu | To capture / take away |
勇敢 | Yǒnggǎn | Brave |
坚强 | Jiānqiáng | Strong and determined |
经典 | Jīngdiǎn | Classic |
童年回忆 | Tóngnián huíyì | Childhood memory |
中国动画 | Zhōngguó dònghuà | Chinese animation |
Interpretation of the song
The song 葫芦娃 is the theme song of the classic Chinese animated series 葫芦兄弟, which tells the story of 七个兄弟 (qī gè xiōngdì, seven brothers) born from a 葫芦藤 (húlu téng, calabash vine). These 勇敢 (yǒnggǎn, brave) brothers each possess 独特的本领 (dútè de běnlǐng, unique abilities) and work together to 对抗妖精 (duìkàng yāojing, fight against demons) like 蛇精 (Shéjīng, Snake Demon) and 蝎子精 (Xiēzǐjīng, Scorpion Demon), who have captured their 爷爷 (yéye, grandfather).
The lyrics repeat the phrase “葫芦娃,本领大” (Húluwá, běnlǐng dà, The Calabash Brothers have great abilities), emphasizing their 团结 (tuánjié, unity) and 不怕风吹雨打 (bù pà fēng chuī yǔ dǎ, fearless against wind and rain), which symbolizes their 不屈不挠 (bù qū bù náo, perseverance) in the face of adversity. The dramatic line “妖精,放了我爷爷!” (Yāojing, fàng le wǒ yéye! Demon, let my grandpa go!) has since become a widely recognized 经典台词 (jīngdiǎn táicí, classic line) in Chinese pop culture.
Through its catchy melody and simple lyrics, the song reinforces themes of 正义 (zhèngyì, justice), 勇气 (yǒngqì, courage), and 战胜邪恶 (zhànshèng xié’è, defeating evil)—values deeply rooted in Chinese folklore and 传统文化 (chuántǒng wénhuà, traditional culture).
Key phrases
- 葫芦娃 (Húluwá) – Calabash Brothers
(Refers to the seven brothers born from the calabash vine, each with special abilities.) - 一根藤上七个瓜 (Yī gēn téng shàng qī gè guā) – Seven gourds on one vine
(Symbolizes that the seven brothers are one family and united together.) - 风吹雨打都不怕 (Fēng chuī yǔ dǎ dōu bù pà) – Not afraid of wind and rain
(Shows that the Calabash Brothers are brave and not afraid of hardships.) - 本领大 (Běnlǐng dà) – Great abilities
(Each brother has different magical abilities, such as immense strength, farsight, invisibility, etc.) - 妖精 (Yāojing) – Demon/Monster
(The villains in the story, such as the Snake Demon and Scorpion Demon, who want to capture the brothers and their grandpa.) - 救爷爷 (Jiù yéye) – Save grandpa
(The brothers’ mission is to defeat the demons and rescue their kidnapped grandpa.)
Summary in Chinese
《葫芦娃》是一首经典的儿歌 (jīngdiǎn de értóng gē, classic children’s song),它来自中国的动画片《葫芦兄弟》 (Zhōngguó de dònghuàpiàn “Húlu Xiōngdì”, the Chinese animated series Calabash Brothers)。歌词讲述了七个兄弟 (qī gè xiōngdì, seven brothers),他们从葫芦藤 (húlu téng, calabash vine) 上出生,每个人都有不同的本领 (bùtóng de běnlǐng, different abilities),比如力大无穷 (lì dà wúqióng, immense strength)、千里眼 (qiānlǐyǎn, farsight) 和 隐身 (yǐnshēn, invisibility)。
他们的任务 (rènwù, mission) 是打败妖精 (dǎbài yāojing, defeat the demons),救出被抓走 (zhuāzǒu, captured) 的爷爷 (yéye, grandpa)。歌词里说他们不怕风吹雨打 (bù pà fēng chuī yǔ dǎ, not afraid of wind and rain),说明他们很勇敢 (yǒnggǎn, brave) 和 坚强 (jiānqiáng, strong)。歌曲的旋律简单又有力量 (jiǎndān yòu yǒu lìliàng, simple but powerful),让人很快就能记住。这首歌是很多中国孩子童年的回忆 (tóngnián de huíyì, childhood memory),也是中国动画历史上的经典之作 (jīngdiǎn zhīzuò, classic work)。