Tag: Chinese culture

10 extremely helpful YouTube channels for learning Mandarin

You want to improve your Mandarin skills? For some of the greatest online resources for Chinese you don’t have to look far: they can be found on YouTube. But where to start? This is my updated top 10 of YouTube channels for learning Chinese.

10 great movies about rural China

Rural China is the raw reality most Chinese people come from. Here are 10 film recommendations about the Chinese countryside, including some real classics.

Film tip: 书记 – The Transition Period (2010)

A Chinese county level official in his prime. The Mainland Chinese documentary “书记” introduces Guo Yongchang, secretary of the Gushi County Party Committee, who “rules” over 1.6 million people in Southern Henan. The film covers the three months before secretary Guo leaves his post and ends up in prison.

Chinese idioms or chengyu

Chinese idioms – why and where to start?

Chinese learners are often told 成语 (chéngyǔ), the four-character idioms, are essential to reach native-like fluency. What are these idioms exactly and how important are they?

Real immersion: Learning Chinese at Keats in Kunming

Interview: I talked to the co-founder of Keats Chinese language School Zier Liu (刘子尔) and asked her why students keep returning every year and how Keats adepts to the present Covid-situation.

What are the pros and cons of learning Chinese?

Are you considering to learn Chinese? What speaks in favor, what speaks against learning one of the most difficult languages in the world? This is what the Mandarin learning community has to say about it.

10 tips for learning Chinese in China

What better place to learn Chinese than China: here are 10 things you can do to make the most of your learning experience in China.

Reading Chinese novels: To Live《活着》

“The little chickens will grow to be ducks, the ducks will become geese, and the geese will become oxen, and tomorrow will be better”.

“Should you still learn Chinese?”

Should you still learn Chinese? My own answer hasn’t really changed, how about yours?

10 Chinese audiobooks for advanced Mandarin learners

Where do you find Chinese audiobooks that are interesting, high quality and not hidden behind a paywall?

Slow listening: boost your vocabulary with Mandarin Corner

You’re at intermediate level and want to improve your listening skills?

Chineasy vs Uncle Hanzi: two radical approaches to Chinese characters

What helps you to memorize Chinese characters?

趙雷 – 三十岁的女人 (2014)

Some love this song, some absolutely hate it. Mainly because the singer Zhao Lei sings about “leftover…

Learning Chinese characters: 7 bad practices you should avoid

Learning to write Chinese characters: my personal list of disastrous advice and practices that are a complete waste of time and oxygen.

G.E.M.鄧紫棋 – 差不多姑娘 (2019)

Looking for something to explain the rich meaning of the Chinese expression 差不多 I came across this…

崔健 – 一无所有 (1986)

Today the father of Chinese rock, Cui Jian, turns 59! His song Nothing to my name is…

Understanding China and Mandarin with 7 Chinese film classics

These mostly older Mainland Chinese movies I’ve come to like and recommend to anyone interested in China.

崔健 – 花房姑娘 (1989)

花房姑娘 (1989) 我独自走过你身旁并没有话要对你讲我不敢抬头看着你的噢……脸庞 你问我要去向何方我指着大海的方向你的惊奇像是给我噢……赞扬 你问我要去向何方我指着大海的方向你问我要去向何方我指着大海的方向 你带我走进你的花房我无法逃脱花的迷香我不知不觉忘记了噢……方向 你说我世上最坚强我说你世上最善良我不知不觉已和花儿噢……一样 你说我世上最坚强我说你世上最善良你说我世上最坚强我说你世上最善良 你要我留在这地方你要我和它们一样我看着你默默地说噢……不能这样 我想要回到老地方我想要走在老路上只是我再也离不开你噢……姑娘 我就要回到老地方我就要走在老路上你明知我已离不开你噢……姑娘 我就要回到老地方我就要回到老地方我就要走在老路上我就要走在老路上我明知我已离不开你噢……姑娘 我就要回到老地方我就要回到老地方我就要走在老路上我就要走在老路上我明知我已离不开你我明知我已离不开你噢……姑娘 我就要回到老地方我就要回到老地方我就要走在老路上我就要走在老路上我明知我已离不开我明知我已离不开你噢……姑娘

How much Mandarin can you listen to in one month?

For one month I digitally teamed up with like-minded spirits for a Mandarin learning challenge. This is what I learned.

人生第一次 – The Firsts in Life

“人生第一次” or “The Firsts in Life” is a very popular documentary series in China. Here’s why I think it’s a good resource for learning Mandarin – even though it has one problem.

Chinese dreams (2019): must-watch China doc

Many western China doc’s are deeply rooted in prejudice and choose the moral high ground. Hardly surprising: they don’t bring any new insights. There are exceptions though…

China podcasts

19 China podcasts to better understand 中国

Tired of listening to endless corona-updates and Covid-discussions? Here’s some China-focused listening material for you sorted by topic.

Ideology in Chinese textbooks

Chinese learning materials have improved a lot over the last 50 years, however more often than not…

大张伟 – 葫芦娃 (2018)

Wowkie Zhang – Calabash brothers (2018) 葫芦娃 葫芦娃一根藤上七个瓜风吹雨打都不怕啦啦啦啦葫芦娃 葫芦娃一根藤上七个瓜风吹雨打都不怕啦啦啦啦叮当当咚咚当当 葫芦娃叮当当咚咚当当 本领大葫芦娃 葫芦娃 本领大 妖精 放了我爷爷!

趙傳 – 我是一只小小鸟 (1990)

I’m a little bird (1990) 有时候我觉得自己像一只小小鸟想要飞却怎么样也飞不高也许有一天我栖上了枝头却成为猎人的目标我飞上了青天才发现自己从此无依无靠 每次到了夜深人静的时候 我总是睡不着我怀疑是不是只有我的明天没有变得更好未来会怎样究竟有谁会知道幸福是否只是一种传说我永远都找不到 我是一只小小小小鸟想要飞呀飞却飞也飞不高我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱这样的要求算不算太高我是一只小小小小鸟想要飞呀飞却飞也飞不高我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱这样的要求算不算太高 所有知道我的名字的人呐你们好不好世界时如此的小我们注定无处可逃当我尝尽人情冷暖当你决定为了你的理想燃烧生活的压力与生命的尊严哪一个重要 我是一只小小小小鸟想要飞呀飞却飞也飞不高我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱这样的要求算不算太高我是一只小小小小鸟想要飞呀飞却飞也飞不高我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱这样的要求算不算太高 我是一只小小小小鸟想要飞呀飞却飞也飞不高我寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅一个温暖的怀抱这样的要求算不算太高这样的要求算不算太高

Learning Chinese? 11 BLOGS you should know about

Chinese learning blogs are like hidden provision camps in the desert. If they are not pointed out, you are likely to miss them.

花儿乐队 – 果汁分你一半 (2006)

The flowers – I share half a cup of my juice with you (2006) 我要那个那个那个那个那个那个那个那个那个啊你要那个那个那个那个那个那个那个那个那个啊 月亮弯弯 绵绵绵绵缠缠果汁分你一半…

宋祖英 – 辣妹子 (1998)

Spicy girl (1998) 辣妹子从小辣不怕辣妹子长大不怕辣辣妹子嫁人怕不辣吊一串辣椒碰嘴巴 辣妹子从来辣不怕辣妹子生性不怕辣辣妹子出门怕不辣抓一把辣椒会说话 辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣辣妹子辣妹子辣辣辣辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣辣妹子辣哟辣辣辣 辣出的汗来汗也辣呀汗也辣辣出的泪来泪也辣呀泪也辣辣出的火来火也辣呀火也辣辣出的歌来歌也辣歌也辣 辣妹子说话泼辣辣辣妹子做事泼辣辣辣妹子待人热辣辣辣椒伴她走天下 辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣辣椒伴她走天下 辣出的汗来汗也辣呀汗也辣辣出的泪来泪也辣呀泪也辣辣出的火来火也辣呀火也辣辣出的歌来歌也辣歌也辣 辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣辣妹子辣妹子辣辣辣辣妹子辣 辣妹子辣辣妹子辣妹子辣辣辣 辣妹子辣…

大壮 – 我们不一样 (2017)

We are not the same (2017) 这么多年的兄弟有谁比我更了解你太多太多不容易磨平了岁月和脾气时间转眼就过去这身后不散的筵席只因为我们还在心留在原地 张开手 需要多大的勇气这片天 你我一起撑起更努力 只为了我们想要的明天好好的 这份情好好珍惜 我们不一样每个人都有不同的境遇我们在这里在这里等你 我们不一样虽然会经历不同的事情我们都希望来生还能相遇 这么多年的兄弟有谁比我更了解你太多太多不容易磨平了岁月和脾气时间转眼就过去这身后不散的筵席只因为我们还在心留在原地 张开手 需要多大的勇气这片天…

费翔 – 故乡的云 (1987)

Clouds of home (1987) 天边飘过故乡的云,它不停地向我召唤当身边的微风轻轻吹起,有个声音在对我呼唤 归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子归来吧 归来哟,别再四处飘泊 踏著沉重的脚步,归乡路是那么的漫长当身边的微风轻轻吹起,吹来故乡泥土的芬芳 归来吧 归来哟,浪迹天涯的游子归来吧 归来哟,我已厌倦飘泊 我已是满怀疲惫,眼里是酸楚的泪那故乡的风和故乡的云,为我抹去创痕我曾经豪情万丈,归来却空空的行囊那故乡的风和故乡的云,为我抚平创伤

王菲 – 紅豆 (1998)

Faye Wong – 紅豆 (1998) 还没好好的感受 雪花绽放的气候 我们一起颤抖 会更明白 甚么是温柔 还没跟你牵着手 走过荒芜的沙丘 可能从此以后 学会珍惜 天长和地久 有时候 有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开 都有时候没有甚么会永垂不朽可是我 有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我 看细水长流 还没为你把红豆 熬成缠绵的伤口 然后一起分享 会更明白 相思的哀愁 还没好好的感受 醒著亲吻的温柔 可能在我左右 你才追求 孤独的自由 有时候 有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开 都有时候没有甚么会永垂不朽可是我 有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我 看细水长流 有时候 有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开 都有时候没有甚么会永垂不朽可是我 有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我 看细水长流

任賢齊 – 心太軟 (1996)

Richie Jen – Too softhearted (1996) 你总是心太软 心太软独自一个人流泪到天亮你无怨无悔的爱着那个人我知道你根本没那么坚强 你总是心太软 心太软把所有问题都自己扛相爱总是简单 相处太难不是你的 就别再勉强 夜深了你还不想睡你还在想着他吗你这样痴情到底累不累明知他不会回来安慰 只不过想好好爱一个人可惜他无法给你满分多余的牺牲 他不懂心疼你应该不会只想做个好人 喔 算了吧就这样忘了吧…